The best loading speeds for your web sites within the U.S.A., Canada or even Latin America

We are proud to mix high–quality VPS Web Hosting solutions with a state–of–the–art USA data center headquartered in downtown Chicago, Illinois, to warrant the quickest site loading speed for your customers coming from the U.S.A., Canada and Latin America.

The Colohouse data center provides total redundancy in network connectivity and power and serves a number of the major telecommunications providers in North America. So, here one can find excellent hosting conditions for your demanding websites and web applications.

You can easily make use of the USA data center by selecting it on the sign up form immediately after you’ve selected your VPS hosting package. Our competent administrators are going to create the server for you and they will also set up an Operating System which you decide on. They will be on–site 24x7 to warrant a 99.9% network uptime and will perform every–week offsite backups of your VPS.

Other US Hosting Services

The US data center delivers a wonderful base, enabling us to provide quite a few web hosting solutions besides from Virtual Private Servers.

At the data center one can find US Located Web Hosting plans, which are exceptional if you desire to host a plain blog or portfolio site, or even a pretty popular web–store. Our web hosting plans packages feature a 99.9% uptime guarantee, a 100% free domain registration and infinite disk space & traffic quotas. US Located Semi-dedicated Plans are offered. They are the smartest choice in case you require more power than the usual web hosting plans account can offer, however dedicated servers are too complex to address and need too much upkeep from you. Our semi–dedicated servers feature plenty of CPU and MySQL database storage space quotas, leading them to be great for popular web sites with thousands of monthly visits. For those of you who want something a lot more powerful, we offer US Located Dedicated Web Hosting Plans. By having a dedicated server, it is possible to host any site or application that you might want, regardless of how CPU–intensive or resource–demanding it’s.