Perl is an excellent programming language that is widely used for making CGI scripts and also different web-based apps. One of its key advantages is that it works with modules - ready-made batches of program code that are employed to perform multiple tasks and to enhance the functionality of a certain script without clogging it with unnecessary lines of code. This means that, in the event that five processess have to be performed, you are able to employ five lines of code in order to call each of the modules rather than adding hundreds of lines used to create the actual modules inside your script. Perl is really convenient and it can be used for a variety of purposes, that's why a wide range of companies have included it in their web products or on their high-traffic sites - cPanel, IMDB, Craigslist, BugZilla, BBC and a lot more. It's often used with other languages for instance PHP or Python.
Perl Scripting in Web Hosting
Since Perl is set up on our cloud website hosting platform, you can run Perl/CGI scripts with all of our web hosting plans without any difficulties. You can also do this automatically through a cron job when your plan comes with this attribute. If not, you'll be able to include cron jobs from the Upgrades area of your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. Over 3000 Perl modules can be found on our servers and you'll be able to use any of them with your scripts. A complete list is available in the Control Panel and when you wish to use any module, you simply have to add the path to our module library in your script. In case third-party scripts that you want to add to your website require a certain module, for instance, you will not need to worry if they will function properly or not. This way, you're able to create a dynamic Internet site and provide a huge selection of functions to your targeted visitors.
Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Servers
All the semi-dedicated plans that we offer can run CGI scripts or all other applications created in Perl and considering the fact that cron jobs are a part of all the plans, you are able to pick if a given script will be executed manually or automatically on a regular interval of time. In addition, you can use a huge library of more than 3000 modules which are already set up on our servers and use their features so as to save your time when you write your scripts. If you use a third-party Perl script, you can also be sure that in case it requires a particular module in order to operate effectively, we'll have it as our library includes both widely used modules and less popular ones. You'll be able to see the path to the modules that you need to use in our scripts under the Server Information drop-down menu of the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.